Dog Reunited With His Mother After 2 Years Of Being Lost , This Dog’s Reaction When He Hears His Owner’s Voice Is Heartbreaking

Twixx, the cherished canine companion of Linda Harmon, vanished from their lives approximately two years ago. Known for his mischievous nature, Twixx possessed an uncanny knack for escaping, often through the sizable holes he skillfully dug in the yard’s fence, leaving behind a scar on his skull as a testament to his escapades.
In response to Twixx’s Houdini-like acts, Linda’s husband fortified the yard’s perimeter with sturdy metal posts in a bid to contain him. Despite their efforts, the sudden disappearance of their beloved pet left them baffled and at a loss for explanation.

Immediately following Twixx’s disappearance, the family launched into a frantic search effort. They took to social media, sharing photos of Twixx and distributing flyers throughout the neighborhood in a desperate attempt to locate him as swiftly as possible.
A glimmer of hope emerged when a concerned woman, having seen Twixx’s image shared on Facebook, reached out to Linda. She provided compelling evidence in the form of images depicting a dog bearing an unmistakable scar on its head, matching Twixx’s unique mark with uncanny precision.
Linda stated :
“I deeply regret having to deliver this news, but I’ve located your beloved Twixx,” she murmured. “Attached is an image of the individual who found her injured by the roadside.”

Upon presuming her dog had passed away, Linda contacted the microchip company to arrange for the device’s removal. However, she found herself unable to follow through with it.
“Deep down, I never truly accepted it,” she confided. “You need to move on,” my spouse urged me. “Your tears are for him.” Yet, I vowed never to welcome another dog into my life, and for the subsequent two years, I held true to that promise.”

Linda was surprised by a recent phone call from the Mobile County Animal Shelter inquiring about her history with chipped pets during outings with her church group. The unexpected inquiry prompted tears to well up in her eyes. Her church companions gathered around her, sensing her emotional response, but Linda’s tears were not of sadness, but of sheer joy.
The shelter staff facilitated the reunion by keeping the dog hidden behind a door while Linda conversed with him. Anxieties crept into her mind, fearing that her beloved pet might not recognize her after their time apart, or worse, might feel uneasy or frightened by her sudden presence.