Kindhearted Stray Dog Sees A Pup Tied Up , And Works To Set Him Free

Amazing what a wonderful dog helping another dog.
So touching. Sometimes we human hav to learn from animals.
It wasn’t long ago that one man, Dmitriy Timchenko, witnessed an incredible act of selfless solidarity between two dogs.
Timchenko and a friend were visiting a store in the town of Novorossiysk, Russia, when they noticed a pit bull tied up out front. The dog had been left there by his owner who was inside, shopping, however, the other dog that was passing by did not know that.

The passing dog was a stray, and perhaps that is why he seemed concerned that the tied-up dog was likely an abandoned dog like him.
Timchenko said: I’ve seen this stray dog around town many times, He always uses the crosswalk to cross the street. He’s a very smart dog.
And not only is he smart, apparently, but he’s also really thoughtful, too.
The stray dog approached the pit bull, then began to loosen the knot that was keeping him tied up as he waited for his owner.
It didn’t take long till he was free and went off with the stray to partake in an adventure…!
That’s a awesome friend, sadly dogs have more common sense and compassion than some humans.

What an amazing and caring dog…
God Bless that dog for helping the other dog!!! Pray they both get loving forever homes…!
Please share this Precious story with your loved ones!