This Dog Felt So Lonely That He Escaped The Yard To Hug His Best Friend

It is truly remarkable how dogs possess the social skills necessary to establish friendships with other canines. Numerous pet owners are familiar with the unique bonds that can be forged between their own dog and the one residing next door.
This is precisely the scenario for a pair of compassionate dogs who consistently provide support for one another from opposite sides of the fence.

Residing in Thailand, Messy and Audi are two dogs that live across the street from each other. Audi often finds himself alone at home when his owners are away at work, and this situation doesn’t always sit well with him. However, Messy’s owner, Oranit Kittragul, understands that her dog has the ability to uplift Audi’s spirits.
Oranit shared with The Dodo, “When he feels lonely and cries, I always ask my dog to see and talk to him. My dog just looks from my fence and sometime he barks to [Audi]. I don’t know what they are communicating, but he stops crying.”

The two individuals developed a strong connection over a period of time, as Messy consistently uplifted Audi’s spirits with his regular visits. However, one particular encounter stood out from the rest.
On a fateful day, Audi’s owner unintentionally left the gate unlocked, granting him the opportunity to venture outside. Without hesitation, he made a beeline towards Messy, and the two companions embraced each other tightly:
“He rushed towards my canine companion, and they embraced each other,” Oranit recounted.
Oranit managed to capture this precious moment on camera, which served as a testament to the profound affection shared between these two canines. It became evident that their visits had fostered a genuine bond, and all they truly desired was to be in each other’s company.

Oranit posted the pictures on social media, causing them to rapidly gain popularity. The heartwarming interaction between the dogs was adored by all.
In an interview with Today, Oranit expressed her intention of simply sharing a heartwarming photo and story.
Despite their newfound fame, the two dogs had yet to reunite for a playdate. Nevertheless, Oranit continued to visit Audi’s home with her dog.
It’s truly heartening to witness such a beautiful friendship blossom between these dogs. They provide each other with comfort and companionship during times of need.
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